Irish Draughts

Class 1 Registered Irish Draught Mare
Bridon Belfrey/Roma Blue Hawk, 2x Hornby Premium
About Nightingale
Cerulean Nightingale C1 is our ideal traditional Irish Draught . A-leg-in-each-corner type, she is as solid-minded as she is built. Her highly desirable pedigree offers outcross lines that include Blue Henry, RID, Skippy, RID, Atlantic Boy, RID, Rakish Paddy, RID and the great Roma Blue Wind, RID, 5x Hornby Premium Mare. This power-packed pedigree is produced her scopey jump and elastic movement. Learn more about Nightingale's famous dam line
Nightingale's inspection scores topped the charts for temperament when the entire jump chute, the length of the arena, collapsed as she stood motionless only a foot away! She is a tried-and-true people lover. At 3 years old, Nightingale took 2nd flight at her first Foxhunt after only 2 weeks under saddle. After 60 days of training, she packed around an 8 year old girl on trails!
Nightingale will enter full time training in 2023 after weaning her 1st purebred foal. She will pursue a show career in Dressage and Show Jumping. We will continue to produce purebred Irish Draught foals from Nightingale through embryo transfer. Please feel free to contact us about her upcoming foals!

Traditional Type at its Best!
World-Class Foals

Super traditional Irish Draught mare! We don't see her type much anymore.